31-08-2016 10:00
Museu del Disseny de Barcelona , Pl. de les Glòries Catalanes 37-38, Barcelona
Organizado por UOC-Telefonica Chair in Design and Multimedia Creation
Teléfono de contacto: + 34 93 253 3470
10:00 - 10:15 Registro
10:15 - 10:30 Bienvenida
10:30 - 11:40 Pecha-kucha (Parte I)
11:40 - 12:20 Pausa con vermouth
12:20 - 13:00 Pecha-kucha (Parte II)
13:00 - 14:00 Mesa redonda
Exponen y debaten:
Bani Brusadin. Barcelona-based independent curator and researcher sailing on the troubled waters where contemporary art, networked technologies, popular cultures, and politics meet (and often times clash). Since 2004 he co-directs The Influencers, a festival about unconventional forms of art and communication held at the Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona. Lecturer professor at University of Barcelona. |
Web: theinfluencers.org/| Twitter: @the_influencers
Tim Choy. Associate Professor of Science & Technology Studies and Anthropology, University of California Davis. Research interests: ecopolitics, atmospheres, experimental Web: sts.ucdavis.edu/humans/tkchoy
Fernando Domínguez Rubio. Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication, University of California, San Diego. His work focuses on the study of the material ecologies and infrastructures enabling contemporary cultural, aesthetic, and political forms. |
Web: drubio.org | Twitter: @RubioDominguez
Ignacio Farias. Assistant Professor. Munich Center for Technology in Society & Department of Architecture. Technical University of Munich |
Web: iup.mcts.tum.de |
Michael Guggenheim. Reader, Goldsmiths, University of London. Director of the Center for Invention and Social Process. His research focuses on disaster, buildings, expert-lay person relationships, and inventive methods and experiments |
Web:: http://www.gold.ac.uk/sociology/staff/guggenheim/
Dehlia Hannah. Curator and philosopher of science and aesthetic theory. She is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Art-Science Collaboration at Arizona State University's School for the Future of Innovation in Society and a Guest Researcher at the University of Copenhagen. Her current research and curatorial project, A Year Without a Winter (2015-2018), enacts a collective thought experiment about a fictional scenario of climate change leading to a multi-site art exhibition |
Web: www.dehliahannah.com and www.ayearwithoutawinter.org | Twitter: @dehliahannah
<style type="text/css"> <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> </style> Katrina Jungnickel. Lecturer, Sociology Department Goldsmiths, University of London. She studies the role and importance of technologies in relation to mobility cultures, gender relations and grassroots hands-on DiY and DiT (Do-It-Together) communities. She is particularly interested in mundane everyday materials and practices; the use of found, purchased and resourcefully adapted materials and improvised methods to re-imagine relationships to technology. |
Web: www.katjungnickel.com | Twitter: @katjungnickel
Débora Lanzeni. Researcher at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. She is currently focusing on developments at the interface of Smart City and Internet-of-things, the study of digital materiality, labor and moral order.
Web: http://www.mediaccions.net/debora-lanzeni/ | Twitter: @DigitalAmazonia
Irene Lapuente. Founder and director of the Mandarina Newton. She holds a deggre in Fisics and she is a dancer by hobby. Strongly believes in the strengths of transdisciplinarity, the scientific method, the design thinking and the creative processes. His motto is mixed, learn and transform.|
Web: www.lamandarinadenewton.com | Twitter: @mandarinanewton @ilamandarina
Joana Moll. Artist & Researcher. Lead researcher within the European conglomerate IMAGIT at HANGAR [hangar.org]. Member of the transdiciplinary research project Antiatlas des Frontières [antiatlas.net]. Co-founder of the Institute for the Advancement of Popular Automatisms [ifapa.me] |
Web: http://janavirgin.com | Twitter: @joana_moll
Liliana Ovalle. Designer and researcher at the Interaction Research Studio at Goldsmiths University of London. She has specialised in the design of research artefacts under a ludic design approach. Her personal work is part of the permanent collections of the Museum of Art and Design in New York and Centre National des Arts Plastiques in France.|
Web: lilianaovalle.com gold.ac.uk/interaction/ | Twitter: @ovalle_liliana
Enric Senabre Hidalgo. Coordinator of the research group Dimmons.net on digital commons and collaborative economy at IN3 - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya |
Web: dimmons.net | Twitter: @esenabre
Susanna Tesconi. Learning environments designer - PhD Candidate, Department of Applied Pedagogy, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) |
Web: susannatesconi.net | Twitter: @auntysue
Nina Wakeford. Reader at Goldsmiths, University of London. She has long history of collaboration with PAPR and Intel Research. She founded and continues to lead a research group (INCITE) that has conducted studies in the context of new technology development, including collaborative work with Sapient, FXPal and British Telecom, as well as leading an investigative "mission" on best practice in user-centred design for the UK government.
Web: vimeo.com/visualsociology |
Alex Wilkie. Senior Lecturer. Director of Research (Design). Director of the Centre for Invention and Social Process (Sociology). Department of Design Goldsmiths, University of London |
Twitter: @alexwilkie
Amanda Windle. DigiLab Fellow heading the DigiLab at London College of Communication, University of the Arts London and is sometimes a columnist for the New Statesman Tech.
Twitter: @anotherwindle
Pau Alsina. Professor at the Arts and Humanities Departament. Mediaccions - research collective on digital media & culture. Open University of Catalonia.
Twitter: @paualsina
Pau Waelder. Art critic and researcher |
Web: pauwaelder.com/ | Twitter: @pauwl
Relato gráfico:
Mario Pereda. Graphic Documentarist, Graphic Recording, Illustrator working with Conceptual Drawings… He likes to pick up words and emotions turning them into images in real time. In this way, he seeks to convert the seemingly intangible words and emotions into tangible things |
Web: cuandoescuchodibujo.com
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